Sunday, November 29, 2009

Advent Calendars

When I was a little girl we used to have this great Advent Calendar that was shaped like an angel.  We used it every year until it just fell apart when I was about 12 or so.  As a mom I feel like I have not been as good at teaching my children the meaning of advent as my mom was.  We always so looked forward to the little door to open and the story that would go with the picture.  I am trying this year with my own advent calendar that will not be filled with just goodies but with nice things to do for other family members and the neighbors.  I went with a cute stocking theme to make mine, but also spent lots of time on and looking at others advent calendar ideas.  Here are 5 of my favorites from

Unfortunately since I have to work out of town the first 3 days of the month mine will not go up untill the 4th, but I can not wait to start a new/old family tradition for my children.


  1. I love family traditions! My mum still continues advent calendars with us even though we are grown now :) I love your idea of good deeds to the neighbours :)

  2. they are lovely! i intend to make one like the "tins" in picture 4 for next year

  3. Beautiful examples of advent calendars. We use the same one every year and iron the doors closed again after we are finished!
