Wednesday, November 4, 2009

5 favorites and something to be grateful for.

Well the first thing on my mind this morning is that I think I have a room to rent in Heber City which is a few miles from my new job in Park City. I think I am very lucky to get a room with large windows as I love sunshine in my window in the morning and I can not wait to look out and see the snow.

My second LO for the day is a list that we made in out Blogging For Scrapbookers class.  My list is broken up between things I love and things I am trying to do, like live more simply and enjoy the small things in life.  I used one of my favorite pictures from my trip to Paris as a background as one of my favorite things is taking photos of all of the places I have been.


  1. Hello from class *waves* and your view sounds wonderful!! Loving your pages too, cool, best of luck xx

  2. Here from class - love your 5 favorites - I agree with the same things - love photos, travel and need to keep it simple! Great job!

  3. Well done coming up with 5 favorites!
    I don`t think I can do that but I will keep trying :)

  4. HEY! We should do lunch sometime once you move! I'd love to meet a fellow Shimelle-ite in person! :)
